Guest post by Lesley Fox, E.D. Our friends at Fur-Bearer Defenders are working hard for this very important bill. We […]
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) hit us with quite the zingers a couple of years ago. They released […]
How oily is your food?
Sixty years ago, we used only 1/4 as much oil, per person, to produce our food as we do now. In the not-too-distant future we will have no choice but to do with a lot less than that. Let’s do our very best to make sure the transition is as painless as possible.
It seems obvious enough. If you’re concerned about cows, dairy’s the way to go. Nobody gets killed, right? The cows […]
We’ve outgrown omnivorism
By David Steele and Denise Swanson Many question whether humans are ‘naturally’ herbivores or omnivores. The omnivore camp argues that […]
A sustainable silver lining
This spring, three major reports came out telling us that if we don’t change our ways soon, we’re looking at […]
Why say no to GMOs?
by David Steele For a lot of very good reasons, a growing number of people are concerned about genetically modified […]
CAFOs, or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation. Over 168 gases are emitted from CAFO waste, including hazardous chemicals such as ammonia, […]
How to pay less for healthy food
Think that you can’t afford to eat a whole foods plant-based diet? You can’t really afford not to. Is it […]
Can we end alzheimer’s?
Alzheimer’s disease is the fastest growing health threat in the United States, according to a new landmark report from researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle. The numbers are staggering. A 2013 study in the journal Neurology found that the number of people with Alzheimer’s disease will jump from 4.7 million to 13.8 million by 2050. The associated health care costs will skyrocket.